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One shot reversal ! The evaluation, analysis, features, and usage of Reversal Energy in Pokémon TCG

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One shot reversal ! The evaluation, analysis, features, and usage of Reversal Energy in Pokémon TCG

Hello to all you Pokémon card fans around the world ! I am ZARUTOP Yamaguchi (@oyakodepokeca), the director of the Pokémon Card Lab, and I am here with children !

In this article, we have written about the evaluation, analysis, features, and usage of Reversal Energy !

The evaluation, analysis, features, and usage of Reversal Energy

Reversal Energy (the card above) is a new card included in the Snow Hazard, a new expansion for the Pokémon Trading Card Game!

In the Pokémon Trading Card Game, it is a type of Special Energy!

This card acts as one Colorless Energy, and when attached to a Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokémon without any specific rules on your side, and you have more Prize cards remaining than your opponent, it functions as three Energy of any type!

Reversal Energy is particularly useful when you have an advantage in the game!

By fulfilling the conditions, you can instantly attach three Energy, allowing many Pokémon to be in an attacking position!

First, you need to have more Prize cards remaining than your opponent!

This condition can be utilized as a chance to turn the tables when you are at a disadvantage due to certain card effects!

However, be careful, as it can only be used when you have more Prize cards remaining than your opponent!

Also, you need to attach Reversal Energy to a Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokémon without specific rules!

Furthermore, since it is limited to Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokémon, it can be used with Basic Pokémon, as well as Pokémon VSTAR, VMAX, and Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokémon ex.

From this, Reversal Energy becomes an essential card for offensive strategies and comeback tactics in the Pokémon Trading Card Game!

Additionally, if you can meet the conditions, you can quickly put many Pokémon into an attacking position, allowing you to overwhelm your opponent!

However, the conditions are strict, so it is essential to utilize it effectively!

Make good use of Reversal Energy and enjoy playing the Pokémon Trading Card Game!


パックが買えなくてもポケカは買える! シングルカードやデッキに足りないパーツを購入できる優良カードショップ「遊々亭」のポケカ購入レビュー!豊富な在庫、送料無料、高品質できれいなカードなどなど、おすすめポイントをまとめました。

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